For a certain period, here are the Facebook metrics you'll see once you start analyzing a competitors' Facebook page with Socialinsider:

Facebook metrics - highlights of the page

  • Posts - the number of posts in a time range.
  • Engagement - this metric is represented by the sum of reactions (likes are included), comments and shares.
  • Fan growth - this metric represents the difference in fans count between the end date and the start date.
  • Average engagement - the sum of reactions (likes are included), comments and shares divided by the total posts for a time range.
  • Average engagement rate/post - the sum of reactions (likes are included), comments and shares divided by the total posts for a time range. Multiply the whole thing by 100 to turn it into a percentage.
  • Average engagement rate/page - the total number per 100 fans (not calibrated by the number of posts).


Content analysis

  • Posts evolution - variation of the number of posts per day, week, month or year.


  • Top 3 posts - the most engaged posts


Engagement metrics

  • Posts by type - the most used post types
  • Distribution of posts type - this metric is represented by the number of page posts by day, week, month or year.
  • Engagement evolution - this metric is represented by the sum of likes, reactions, shares and comments per day, week, month or year.
  • Post types ranked by engagement - the most engaged post types.
  • Post types ranked by average engagement - the best post types based on avgerage engagement.
  • Engagement of post types - the distribution of engagement by post types per day, week, month or year.
  • Distribution of interactions - the distribution of interactions per day, week, month or year.
  • Distribution of reactions - the number of WOW, HAHA, SAD, ANGRY, LOVE for each day, week, month or year. (Likes are not included)
  • Distribution of comments - the number of comments per day, week, month or year.
  • Distribution of shares - the number of shares per day, week, month or year.
  • Comment activity - this metrics shows when people comment on the page.


Total posts

  • Total posts - you'll get a list of posts which can be sorted by:

  • best posts

  • weakest posts

  • newer

  • most shared

  • comments count

  • likes

  • wow

  • haha

  • sad

  • angry

Or filter by:

  • Boosted
  • Status
  • Photos
  • Link
  • Videos

This list can be exported as. a CSV file.


Wondering what Facebook video metrics we provide for business pages? Here's a guide that might help you.