One of the best ways in which you can grow your LinkedIn pages and create a following that converts is to take advantage of the analytics.

LinkedIn analytics with Socialinsider

Here are the LinkedIn metrics you'll see for your own pages, using Socialinsider.

Highlights of the page

  • Total posts - the number of posts in a period.
  • Engagement - this metric is represented by the sum of likes and comments.
  • Follower growth - have the fan number from the day someone first adds the page in Socialinsider and in this case we will return the fans count for the first date we have.
  • Average engagement - the total engagement of the posts divided by the number of posts.
  • Average engagement rate/post - this metrics is the sum of likes and comments divided by the total posts for a time range. Multiply the whole by 100 to turn into a percentage.
  • Average engagement rate/page - the total engagement per 100 followers.
  • Followers growth - distribution of organic and paid followers.


Posts metrics

  • Posts evolution - how many posts the page published every day
  • Total posts reach - total reach for all the posts
  • Total posts impressions - the impressions for all the posts


Content distribution

  • Top 3 posts - the most engaging posts


  • Engagement evolution - sum of likes and comments per day.
  • Posts engagement by type - breakdown by type of media
  • Likes evolution - number of likes per day.
  • Comments evolution - number of comments per day.
  • Shares evolution - number of shares per day.
  • Video Views evolution - number of video views per day
  • Geographical distribution of followers - the top 10 followers countries.




Wondering what metrics we provide for own Instagram profiles? Here's a guide that might help you.

NEW: Videos

  • you can now see the Video Views for each video published on your LinkedIn page


  • the charts with Video Views Evolution and Video Watch Time Evolution (in the Overview) also show the correct data now.
